Blog / 2022 In Hindsight
Looking back at a few of this year’s hot IT topics.
With the holidays now less than a month away and the new year looming not long after that, we figured now—before all the last minute techie gift guides and 2023 trend forecasts hit your newsfeeds—was a good time to take a quick look back at this year in IT. And while we talked about a lot of different topics, there were three common themes that really stood out.
- Cyberinsurance
- Technology Training
- Proactive Maintenance
Even prior to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine it was clear that the cyberinsurance industry was going to have to adapt to a world where state-sponsored cyberattacks aren’t necessarily acts of war. Additionally, cyberinsurance premiums, which had already doubled in 2021, continued their upward trend. This was likely due to a confluence of factors, like industry underwriters refining their formulas, and lost lawsuits regarding the aforementioned acts of war. Industry leaders have put forward advice for other insurers about how to reword act of war clauses, making it more important than ever that you know what’s in your cyberinsurance policy.
Technology Training
If you’ve worked with technology for any length of time then you already know the importance of user education. The rapid pace of development has made ongoing technology training for personnel essential for success, and there are more reasons than ever to deliver it, particularly if you’re looking to leverage your technology to its utmost. Fortunately, as more and more organizations begin to recognize the value of a good IT education, there are more ways to deliver it than ever too.
Proactive Maintenance
Like everyone else (so we’re not exposing company secrets here), we try to keep our blog and newsletter content current and relevant. So we were kind of glad to see proactive IT maintenance show up as often as it did in our topic research. From systems and applications audits to data cleansing and hygiene, getting ahead of problems was a pleasant topic to regularly write about, and it’s good to know people take the subject seriously.
Of course, there’s a lot of news that can come out in a year, particularly in IT, so this is hardly a comprehensive list and certainly not the final authority on 2022’s IT trends. But they were some of the most memorable for us. And as always, if you’d like to discuss the latest IT trends or any other topic, feel free to contact TRINUS and talk to one of our IT experts today.