Blog / Computer Security and Standards: What You Need to Know…
One of our Account Managers, Jon Harmon, shares his educational tips on what you need to know about Computer Security & Standards:
I recently enjoyed the incredible pleasure of speaking with Jean Eaton of Information Managers and Practice Management Nuggets Podcast. We had a great time discussing how businesses can avoid breaches in their network. Jean has created a terrific platform from which she educates clinics and medical practices on all things related to Cyber Security.
We reviewed ways in which any outfit can stay ahead of the curve, including proper WiFi standards, mitigating risks and User Education.
Every organization should ask themselves these 2 questions:
– How long can you afford to be down, due to a Data Breach?
– What are you currently doing to mitigate this risk?
Despite the type of business you may be in or service you provide, these are vital questions to challenge yourself on. At TRINUS, time and time again we see organizations taking a reactive or “clean up” approach to breaches or malware attacks.
Many are under the impression that their IT company can fly in and clean up the mess, with no repercussions to the victim. This is almost 100% never the case. If you have been breached, you cannot be un-breached, as your data has still been stolen, copied or at least, viewed.
What is the moral of the story? To be proactive, rather than reactive! I have been telling clinics, municipalities and SMB’s for years, that the cost to clean up is always much more than the price of making sure you don’t get dirty!
Please take a few minutes and listen to our Podcast Discussion. Although it was based around medical practices and clinics, it truly applies to any business or organization of any shape or size. Here’s the link:
Excellent stuff, Jon!
Dave White
stress-free IT