Blog / Is Your Organization Ready for Windows 11?
Hopefully so, because support for Windows 10 is ending.
Sometimes it seems like just yesterday that everyone was running Windows 7, and Windows 11 was a new, untested OS still working through it’s bugs. Of course, perspectives are subjective so whether you see an operating system (OS) as old or new will depend mostly on you, although many organizations have become comfortable with the interim version, Windows 10.
Well, buckle up, because it’s running on borrowed time.
In fact, Windows 10 has had an assigned End-of-Life (EoL) date for some time now, specifically October 24, 2024. That’s now less than two years away, after which you’ll only be able to get updates by purchasing an extended support contract. However, if Windows 7’s sunsetting schedule was any example, that extra support will only be available for a few more years, and get progressively more expensive.
Pivoting your entire organization from one operating system to another is no small task. It is a long term project that needs to properly planned. Rushing OS upgrades can result in all sorts of software compatibility and other problems so it’s important the upgrade project be meticulously planned to help ensure a smooth transition.
But it’s not just the risk of losing support that can be a problem here. Any businesses that take online payments or store personal information should start planning their upgrade sooner than later as both the PCI-DSS regulations and PIPA legislation require that none of a business’s software be past it’s end of life date. This means that, in fairly short order, continuing to use Windows 10 will leave your organization both non-compliant and at risk of legal action. As a result, any business not already upgraded is now facing a bit of a time crunch as the opportunity for carefully planning a smooth implementation is closing; wait too long and you won’t have a choice but to be rushed.
Staying in compliance and following the rules is an important priority for any organization, while upgrading your operating system, even if it’s from one version of Windows to another, is a big deal. Starting the process sooner rather than later means more time to address and correct problems, rather than cramming in a large last minute upgrade that could easily go wrong and leave you, your staff, and your business in a bind.
If you’d like to get a jump on planning and implementing the Windows 11 OS upgrade for your organization, get in touch with a TRINUS professional and we’ll be happy to help out. Capacity is limited though, and will only get more so as October 2024 approaches, so contact us today and get yourself some stress-free IT.
Todays quote comes from the play Julius Caesar; “There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”
Be kind, courtesy your friendly neighbourhood cyber-man.