Blog / Five IT Challenges Facing Municipalities Today A yellow sign warning about T Challenges in the future Here are five IT challenges your municipality needs to overcome. When it comes to local governance, municipal IT directors often find themselves getting pulled in several directions at once. Some stakeholders want better services and delivery while others want to cut costs and streamline workflows, while still others are only interested in the security of […] February 02, 2023
Blog / When’s a good time to use an administrator level login? Administrator level user permissions login and password screen To be clear, almost never. When you create a user in a system or software, they almost always have different levels/permissions or groups that you can associate them with. While the precise terminology may vary depending on the system, the core concepts are the same and different users will have different limitations on what they […] January 31, 2023
Blog / What is a CIO? CIO acronym using letter blocks Understanding the role of Chief Information Officer (CIO). When it comes to c-suite executives and their titles, it’s easy to get a little confused amid all the acronyms. CEO, CTO, CFO, CIO, CXO, and on and on. After all, how many chiefs does any given company need? And what are they all in charge of? […] January 26, 2023
Blog / It’s Time to Upgrade to Windows 11 Windows 11 logo on a computer and cell phone screen Most versions of Windows 10 are already past their End of Life. Organizations often make the mistaken assumption software is forever. They use it because they always have and it’s always worked. That is, until there is a problem and when they look into it, lo and behold, the last time it was updated was […] January 24, 2023
Blog / Robotic Process Automation Robot Process Automation Being Demonstrated How can Robotic Process Automation (RPA) help your organization? The development of technology and it’s role in business is always expanding, and is one of the primary driving factors of economic growth. Just look at how much the computer revolution of the 90s and 00s has improved productivity. Document development, media production, and communications are […] January 19, 2023
Blog / Cybercrime may become uninsurable Cyberinsurance claim denied due to cybercrime Losses caused by criminal activity may no l0nger be covered in the near future. I have written about cyberinsurance changing several times in the past, including how a company settled their cyberinsurance lawsuit with their provider, how a pharmaceutical company won a massive lawsuit, and how Lloyds of London issued public recommendations for cyberinsurance providers. […] January 17, 2023
Blog / Our Favourites From CES 2023 Blurred tradeshow standing in for CES 2023 After a few quiet years, CES 2023 has demonstrated the famous tech show still has legs. In case you’ve never heard of it, the Consumer Electronics Show is one of the biggest technology tradeshows and tech events in the world. Every year tech companies and manufacturers flock to its floors to show off the latest […] January 12, 2023
Blog / VIP Phishing Phishers are personalizing their attacks We wanted to bring your attention to a newer tactic being used by hackers targeting municipalities. By researching the names and other details of staff who work at municipalities, the attackers are able to create even more realistic and personalized phishing messages, with the goal of convincing users into wiring […] January 10, 2023
Blog / A Dark Web Primer Dark Web Scans It’s not as terrifying a place as you might think, and here’s why. It’s been said  that you can find anything on the internet, and it’s pretty much true. Websites like Amazon sell everything from food to computers, and you can purchase prescription glasses, cars, and even houses entirely online. Admittedly some brands intentionally don’t […] January 03, 2023
Blog / Five 2023 IT Trends To Watch 2023 IT Trends Here are the 2023 IT trends we’re keeping tabs on. After the inspiring but tiring chaos and freneticism of Christmas, it’s nice to be able to sit back and relax for a few days before throwing ourselves back into work. As surprising and fun as the holidays can be, a nice, predictable routine is just […] December 29, 2022

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