Blog / Being Smart About Smart Devices Smart devices have been with us for a long time now. Although they only became ubiquitous in the last several years, smart devices can be traced all the way back to 1994 and IBM’s Simon Personal Communicator. That means, from some perspectives, we’ve been living with smart devices for almost 30 years now (27 if […] March 11, 2021
Blog / URGENT—Exchange Server Vulnerability Update On Wednesday March 3rd we detailed a server “zero-day” security vulnerability discovered in Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019. At the time it was noted that while the vulnerability had been exploited prior to the patches being available, Microsoft had suspected that only a handful of high-profile organizations had been compromised by a Chinese […] March 09, 2021
Blog / “Zero-day” security vulnerability discovered on Microsoft Exchange servers On Tuesday March 2nd Microsoft released notice of a “zero-day” security vulnerability discovered in Exchange Server 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019. Zero-day vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities in software that have been present since initial release of the software. These vulnerabilities are often discovered after they are exploited for malicious purposes and there is little defense against them […] March 03, 2021
Blog / Cyber Security Newsletter: The Incident Response Plan Having an Incident Response plan (IRP) is important for any business. You need to have a plan for dealing with big issues (like ransomware) beforehand. Making it up as you go along is a great way to ensure that you make mistakes. In a lot of cases the majority of effort is focused on getting […] March 02, 2021
Blog / Water treatment security – It’s not just up to the contractor I was reading an article the other day about how a water treatment plant in Florida was recently hacked. Someone connected to the remote software (Teamviewer) used to connect to a machine that handled mixing the water, then cranked up the levels of sodium hydroxide (lye) to dangerous levels (more then 100 times normal). Thankfully […] February 21, 2021
Blog / Look at all this STUFF! – We’re becoming a society of digital hoarders I mentioned in a previous article that I’m on a bit of a cleanup mission at home. I’m working through piles of old computer equipment that’s either destined for local buy-and-sell websites or the recycle bin. I’ve also been looking at my library of old books and magazines and it’s not a pretty sight. I […] February 18, 2021
Blog / The Importance of Software Restriction and Inventory People like stuff that is familiar to them. Oftentimes they’ll have a favourite automobile manufacturer, restaurant, or brand of soda. This means they’ll choose their preferred option over others, if given the chance. I myself have a soft spot in my heart for Volkswagen vehicles. This is because I am over 6 feet tall (you’d […] February 15, 2021

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