Blog / Keeping up with Current News… Helps to Spot the Phishing Scams! Scammers and Phishers will use any means they can to exploit you and get what they want. The easiest way to do so is to make use of big, important events that are happening in the world. This gives them that hint of legitimacy. June 15, 2020
Blog / Did You Forget? Microsoft Windows 7 is End-Of-Life – in fact, WELL past It! With the rush to implement Work From Home (WFH) for many businesses and government agencies during the Pandemic, the urgency to replace or upgrade old computers and laptops running the Windows 7 operating system was pushed to the side. June 10, 2020
Blog / Email Filtering – Doing it Right is Very Tricky… Email must be one of my biggest peeves, when it comes to dealing with problems. Email is not really that complicated, since there are only three kinds of snags: configuration issues, hardware failure, and Spam. Configuration issues do not happen very often, since email systems are not the sort of thing that get repeatedly tinkered […] June 05, 2020
Blog / So Now What? – Part 2: Many People Consider Work-From-Home as a Permanent Solution. This week, I want to continue with a few more lessons learned, and share some direct feedback I have received from my co-workers on their experiences. June 03, 2020
Blog / So Now What? – Many People Consider Work-From-Home as a Permanent Solution. At TRINUS, we've had most staff members working from home for several weeks. As an informal study in Business Management, we've been keeping a close eye on how this has been working... May 27, 2020
Blog / Most Important Aspects of Electronic Security? – Monitor Your Computer Equipment and Keep Your Eyes Wide Open! Despite all the Security Advice out there, most of it is being ignored. This has become the accepted standard. A computer is no different than a car engine. If you leave it alone long enough, something will go wrong... May 22, 2020
Blog / TRINUS Loses a Friend: Make-A-Wish Recipient Loses Battle With Cancer The reason Logan endeared himself to us was his quiet, unassuming, everyday demeanor; he was just a regular teenager - one of the guys who loved gaming and pizza. May 20, 2020
Blog / Video Conferencing Etiquette Tips – Didn’t Mean to Push All Your Buttons… just Mute! We never could have guessed that 2020 would force us out from our workplaces, leaving us to work from our homes. Working remotely comes with its challenges and we have adjusted as best as possible, considering the situation. May 14, 2020
Blog / Canadian Privacy Laws: Are You Approaching Them Right? This is a key question to ask, because in too many situations, the answer is: "Probably not." I've talked to several people who seem to think that Privacy Laws like PIPA and PIPEDA don't apply to them, or that the Anti-Spam Regulations are not pertinent. May 11, 2020
Blog / New Microsoft Office Suite: Working Microsoft 365 Tools’ Full Potential During unprecedented times such as these, Team TRINUS has been testing by putting the full potential of Microsoft tools to use... May 08, 2020
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