Blog / Working From Home Best Practices Amid COVID-19 Outbreak – Make Sure You Follow Them! With our nation in a state of emergency, many organizations are allowing their employees to work from home. But that doesn't come without its challenges, and not every company is adequately prepared. March 25, 2020
Blog / Keeping in Touch with Remote Users – Microsoft Office 365 Teams Helps to Keep Them Connected to the Office with Video Conferencing and Screen Sharing The need for enhanced remote connectivity tools exploded in recent days, as most organizations relegate their staff to work-from-home status in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. March 19, 2020
Blog / TRINUS Services and COVID-19 – Ongoing Support During These Difficult Times TRINUS is aware of the ongoing and escalating concern over the COVID-19 virus and the measures being taken to contain its spread. I want to make you aware of our stance on this important issue and how we intend to help you. March 17, 2020
Blog / Ransomware is Getting an Upgrade… It Never Seems to Ware Out! Ransomware Attacks continue to change and evolve, which means that the defenses against them need to adjust and expand, in order to keep up with their criminal techniques. Thus, please allow me to go over Ransomware Attacks and how they have changed over time... March 13, 2020
Blog / Too Many People Are Still Using Windows 7… Why it’s Very Unwise to be Doing This. Windows 7 has been with us for a long time. Now it has been supplanted by Windows 10. At the same time, no it hasn't. March 06, 2020
Blog / What’s That THING on my Desk? – New Phone Technology and Devices Change How We Use Voice Communications. It's now possible to replace the traditional business phone system with a completely Cloud-hosted one and using a wide variety of handset devices... March 04, 2020
Blog / Thinking About Purchasing IoT Devices? – Here Are Some Tips Before You Buy… "IoT Security" is a topic that makes my blood pressure spike. I've done a couple of newsletters about this and looking back, most of them had really nothing good to say about the whole mess. It's about time I tried to give actual useful advice regarding consumer grade IoT devices. February 26, 2020
Blog / Farming Family’s Bank Accounts Emptied in Port-Out Scam – “Brent Loucks On Demand” CKOM Radio Show Porting fraud is something the entire wireless industry in Canada has seen an increase during recent months, and a strong reminder that people need to take serious precautions when they're dealing with their own personal information. February 20, 2020
Blog / People Are Getting Their Bank Accounts Cleaned Out… Through Their Mobile Phones! If you currently do any kind of backup for your phone, you have any sort of financial, banking or sensitive software on it, and you haven't explicitly set things up to not back-up your applications or financial software, DELETE ALL YOUR BACKUPS!! February 14, 2020
Blog / For Your Safety and Convenience – Cyber Security Countermeasures Now Become a Part of Every Tech Conversation Nothing raises my hackles more than the term: For Your Safety and Convenience. It's used as a pervasive excuse to get you to do something that is anything but convenient, and usually has little to do with safety... February 12, 2020
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