Blog / Three Main Benefits of Cloud Backups for Businesses Cloud backups concept in gray and white Plus a bonus cybersecurity perk of cloud backups! The existence of the Cloud is a relatively new development compared with the need to backup data. Prior to the widespread adoption of the internet, data backups were generally kept in case of physical failure and corruption on devices, and were kept on premises using physical storage […] March 09, 2023
Blog / Phishing versus Ransomware Phishing attacks button with fishing hook on red-lit keyboard Why phishing may overtake ransomware as attackers’ tactic of choice. Over the last couple of years ransomware has been king of the malware hill and the attack that has increased the most in frequency, and considering the potential revenue it can generate, it’s not hard to understand why. But of course, businesses haven’t been particularly […] March 07, 2023
Blog / How to get the most out of your technology budget Technology budget represented by a piggy back on a computer keyboard Here are three ways to ensure your technology budget covers all your bases. Technology is great, but it can be remarkably expensive, and, in business at least, it’s meant to help improve your bottom line and not blow your budget. Unfortunately too many organizations—businesses, municipalities, clinics, and non-profits alike—don’t fully understand the scope of their […] March 02, 2023
Blog / What common cyberattacks do companies routinely ignore? a man in a mask using a prop to demonstrate common cyberattacks like phishing Phishing attacks are common cyberattacks and not to be underestimated. Email has been around for a long, long time. Its origins date back over 60 years to the 1960s. Email, in the form we are familiar with today was developed in 1980. Younger readers of this newsletters may not remember a time when email was […] February 28, 2023
Blog / Is the Metaverse Really DOA? Man yelling at the metaverse in a headset While Meta’s failures have been public, the metaverse itself is virtually inevitable. Although Facebook made a public relations splash a few years ago with their high profile rebranding to Meta, interest in the metaverse since then has slipped substantially, leading some to speculate the that metaverse was dead on arrival. According to these naysayers, we […] February 23, 2023
Blog / How will your organization react to a cybersecurity incident? Incident Response Plan in green highlighted on a keyboard Unfortunately, tossing blame around is all too common. An important part of good cybersecurity is preparedness. That means thinking ahead and having business continuity and disaster recovery plans for when things go wrong. When a situation is critical it’s easy to lose track and miss important details, so having robust plans will relieve some of […] February 21, 2023
Blog / The Intersection Between Technology and Ethics Technology and Ethics Here are three ways technology and ethics are competing today. Hopefully unsurprisingly, we’re pretty big fans of advancing technology here at TRINUS. The myriad different ways it makes our lives easier and more productive are undeniable. Unfortunately, what’s also undeniable is that as it improves, it’s potential for misuse grows as well. But we’re not […] February 16, 2023
Blog / Do you have to keep changing cybersecurity best practices? It’s really annoying! When it comes to all things computers there’s one rule to keep in mind: Things change quickly. What things? All of them. Could I possibly be more specific?  Not really, because everything keeps changing. It may sound like I’m being silly, but remember Windows 7? It wasn’t too long ago that many […] February 14, 2023
Blog / Barriers to Municipal Digital Transformations overcoming municipal digital transformations challenges represented by an arrow breaking through a maze Why digital transformations are so valuable for municipal governments. As technology evolves it becomes increasingly important for local governance to keep up, and oftentimes means engaging in municipal digital transformations to expand access to services, improve citizen engagement, and streamline services while spurring economic growth. Unfortunately, all too often attempts to modernize government come with […] February 09, 2023
Blog / Do you have a policy to deal with lost or stolen equipment? It’s a good idea to have one. There’s a pretty well-known phrase out there known as Murphy’s Law, and it claims (with often unfortunate accuracy) that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It’s a fairly famous colloquialism, but did you know there’s an even grimmer, less well-known colloquial “law,” known as O’Reilly’s Law, […] February 07, 2023

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