Blog / The Clock is Ticking… The Countdown to Windows 7 End-of-Life is now 65 Business Days…
By now, most people are aware that Windows 7 End-of-Life is on January 14, 2020. Continuing to use it after this date invites an attack from Cyber Criminals, as they will be poised to unleash a series of strikes targeting Windows 7 computers; you can count on it. In early September, I wrote that there are only about 80 business days to get your IT house in order by January 14, 2020.
As of today, the number is more like 65 (business) days…
Some confusion remains on what this means for the average home or business user – especially those responsible for managing larger networks like we see with our municipal clients. Some think their Firewall or Anti-Virus offers the protection they need. Some think it’s a problem for IT staff and contractors, so don’t need to be involved. Still, others don’t know where to start.
So, we’ve done a few things to help-out.
First, we’ve produced 2 videos that help answer some common questions about the Windows 7 upgrade. Both run 11 or 12 minutes and are well worth a few minutes of your time:
One is targeted at Business Managers for organizations that have larger networks:
The other is for home users or those with a very small network (5 computers or less):
Second, we have produced a Windows 7 to 10 Toolkit. This is a folder that contains some critical information that will help you get started with the upgrade process. It’s short, concise and to-the-point. We will be proactively distributing these to some of our target markets, but if you’d like a copy, please let me know and we would be happy to send you one.
Finally, we’re attending several conferences this year to help get the word out. We’re at the AUMA (Alberta Urban Municipalities Association) conference today and tomorrow (September 25-26.) If you’re attending, please stop by and say hello. We’ll have copies of the Toolkit and FREE T-SHIRTS to go along with them.
As always, please feel free to contact me or anyone at TRINUS if you would like more information.
Tick, tick, tick…
Dave White
stress-free IT