Blog / Uber’s Two-factor Failure UBER logo on broken phone for 2fa failure Using TFA properly means configuring it right and training personnel. Did you know Uber was recently hacked? The ride-share and now food delivery giant admitted a contractor’s credentials had been compromised and hackers were able to gain access to sensitive information. Don’t worry yet; although the damage is still being ascertained, the hackers apparently couldn’t […] September 20, 2022
Blog / What’s the Deal with Email Security? Encrypted email After 20 years email has got to be secure by now, right? Not so very long ago, email was a fresh, new tool that the kids in college were raving about that nobody outside academia cared about. Back in the 80s and early 90s many organizations didn’t use email at all. Obviously a lot has […] September 13, 2022
Blog / Drive With Your Eyes Open Security Monitoring Keeping an eye on your organization’s security requires focus and attention. When it comes to protecting your organization, there are some common, almost universally understood requirements. Installing a firewall at the edge of your network is both an obvious security requirement and an obvious example. It’s the same when it comes to installing antimalware software. […] September 06, 2022
Blog / Mythbusting the VPN Value Proposition Lock with the letters VPN on it Is investing in a VPN really worth it? By now most of you have seen the commercials and YouTube videos sponsored by various VPN providers. Now, if you were to believe half of the claims being made, then you might think that VPNs are miracle solutions that address all your security concerns. They most certainly […] August 30, 2022
Blog / Cyber Insurance Coverage is Changing cyber insurance claim denied Understanding your policy is more important than ever. Whether you view insurance as a scourge on society, a mere annoyance, or even an actually valuable service, cyber insurance as a concept is relatively new even by insurance standards. Cyber insurance was first offered by Lloyds of London back in 2000 (possibly inspired by the Y2K […] August 23, 2022
Blog / Getting Specific About Update Recommendations software update Keeping your IT current is common advice, but what exactly should you keep updated? One of the most common IT recommendations is to keep your system up-to-date with security patches and other updates. Unfortunately, while true, it’s advice that’s almost too broad to be helpful (almost). The effect is that, more often than not, organizations […] August 16, 2022
Blog / The Risks of Working From Home work from home risks Just a few things to consider if you run a work-from-home program Just a couple years ago most employers wouldn’t even think of letting most of their employees work from home; it was a privilege reserved for management and other elites not because of complexity but because of licenses. Software developers understand remote connection are […] August 09, 2022
Blog / Cybersecurity Isn’t Just About Computer Contents Physical Cybersecurity It also means keeping them physically secure. When most of us think about cybersecurity, we typically think of things like changing permissions, installing security software, having good passwords, and so on. In fact, it’s easy to get bogged down in the technical minutia, especially because cybersecurity does have plenty of technical aspects to it. But […] August 02, 2022
Blog / Dark Web Scans Dark Web Scans What they are and why you want one. If you’re at all connected to the IT and cybersecurity world, you’ve almost certainly heard of the dark web scans and the dark web in general already. For those of you who aren’t hooked into IT though, the dark web is essentially what it sounds like; a […] August 01, 2022
Blog / Improving Electronic Security is a Multi-Step Process Electronic Security Protection Levels Concept And don’t get hung up on the computer part. Improving computer and organizational security doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes both effort and commitment. It’s easy to get lost, or fall for the comforting notion that it’s as easy as toggling on a switch on your computers. But there’s more to it than […] July 26, 2022

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