Blog / The Importance of Staying Up To Date Update What does that mean for IT security? One of the most common mantras in IT security is “Stay up to date.” You’ll find it in every set of tips because it’s pretty much a standard recommendation that gets made in every facet of IT in general. Generally speaking, this is intended to mean that you […] May 10, 2022
Blog / The Physical Dangers of Malware and Viruses Malware and viruses concept Did you know not all malware and viruses are contained to the internet? Now, to be clear, I’m not suggesting computer viruses can evolve into biological ones. However, there’s a pervasive belief among the general public that malware might screw up computers and destroy valuable digital assets but are otherwise harmless to real world devices. […] May 03, 2022
Blog / The Legal Realities of Cyber Security Non-Compliance Cyber Security Legal Compliance concept When it comes to cyber security practices and why customers “can’t” do the things they should be doing, I’ve pretty much heard it all. “Isn’t there a cheaper alternative?” “We’ve been doing it this way since forever.” “Nothing’s gone wrong before.” “That seems too complicated.” I’ve heard plenty of other “reasons” for avoiding cyber security […] April 26, 2022
Blog / Basic Cyber Security Tips basic cyber security It’s funny how long weekends are meant to be relaxing and give us a chance to recharge, and yet it seems no matter how much fun R&R we get, the first day back can seem extra-hard. Maybe you got used to sleeping in, or maybe you had family over for an egg-hunt and it was […] April 19, 2022
Blog / Cyber Security Software Licenses Are A Must-Have Cyber security software license I’ve talked before about the differences between consumer grade and business class equipment, but there’s one product I’d like to focus on this week. One of the major differences between a business-class firewall and a consumer-grade firewall is that the former includes a license or support agreement of some kind  (though some consumer firewalls do […] April 12, 2022
Blog / Managing Cyber Security Means Updating Quickly Managing Cyber Security updates The phrase “stay up-to-date with the latest patches” is almost universally recognized as sound advice, not just in cyber security circles but pretty much everywhere these days, and if you’re a regular reader you know we repeat it so much around here it’s practically become a mantra. It sounds simple but if you break it […] April 05, 2022
Blog / Basic Computer Security Isn’t So Basic Anymore Basic computer security The Russian invasion of Ukraine has made headlines everywhere lately, including our newsletters. Hopefully you’ve found the details and key information within helpful and actionable. However, it wouldn’t be entirely untrue if one was to sum up our recent advice as “be more on guard than usual.” Don’t get me wrong; building strong use policies, […] March 29, 2022
Blog / A Case Study About a Russian State-Sponsored Attack russian state-sponsored attack Quickly installing updates and performing regular maintenance could have stopped a Russian state-sponsored attack. I’ve used the last couple of newsletters to give gentle reminders that, due to the war in the Ukraine, organizations should be paying more attention to their cyber security. Recently the US released details on how a Russian state-sponsored attack managed […] March 22, 2022
Blog / Don’t Become Vlad’s Next Victim Russian Canadian Flags As Russia’s deranged despot Vladimir Putin continues his bafflingly pointless war against Ukraine, many western countries have rightfully imposed severe economic sanctions against the Russian government and its corrupt cronies. Unfortunately, any fight, even the good one, comes with the risk of a bloody nose and a few bruises. So even though Canada is mostly […] March 21, 2022
Blog / Improving Your Cyber Security Posture cyber security posture habits getting broken down Is there an easy, cost-effective way of improving your cyber security posture? Yes, but many organizations don’t do it. When people talk about an organization’s cyber security posture, they’re talking about how prepared that organization is to deal with any cyber security disruption. This covers substantially more than the brand of of antivirus software you […] March 15, 2022

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