Blog / Which video conferencing solution will you choose – The choice is simpler, and more complicated, than you might think Every so often you get a asked a question that you thought had been answered a long time ago. Now just to be clear I’m not talking about people who don’t listen when you talk or anything like that; more like one of those odd ball questions that you honestly assumed had been answered and […] February 08, 2021
Blog / Building a Cyber Defence Strategy – It is not as Difficult as You Might Think it is… It is not the obligation of your MSP to come up with a strategy for you; it's your organization’s duty. However, if you don’t have an in-house IT person, you will likely need input from your IT provider... February 01, 2021
Blog / Windows ZeroLogon Part Three: Another Patch Coming Right Up… Last October I wrote two newsletters about the Windows Zerologon bug. It's one of those cyber pests that will probably go down the memory of any IT Security person, due to issue's sheer scale... January 25, 2021
Blog / Computer Education is Essential… And IT Security Knowledge is Also Fundamental. Something every Security Expert recommends that businesses do is to train all their staff on IT Security. The two points that should jump out in that sentence are ‘every Security Expert’ and ‘all their staff.’ When you look into the root cause for most Information Breaches or Ransomware infections, they happened because someone did something […] January 18, 2021
Blog / Credential Stuffing Attacks: Why Using Different Passwords is Vital One of the most routinely used usernames on any login is an email address: All you need is a list of those and your list of known, often used passwords, and you're ready to try logging in to anywhere... January 12, 2021
Blog / ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All… In the spirit of the season, a version of "Twas the night before Christmas", might be in order.... December 22, 2020
Blog / SolarWinds Hack: Overview of the Situation The list of people who have been struck by the SolarWinds Hack reads very much like a who's who list for the United States Government. This probably has a lot of people worried about their own Security... December 18, 2020
Blog / Web Surfing Tips for the Holidays: Try to Remain Safely on the Web this Christmas. Cyber criminals are aware of 2 very important things going on right now. First, COVID. They are fully aware that more people are home and spending a lot of their time on the Internet. Second, the Holidays are almost here... December 14, 2020
Blog / Password Security Advice – Paranoia has become the New Normal… Don't do as you've always done, just because it's worked so far. That's what the bad guys want. Be aware of the situation and adjust your habits as needed. Never leave your Security in someone else's hands... December 07, 2020
Blog / Five Helpful Email Security Tips: What You Should Look for in Your Email Setup Email is everywhere. An individual without an email address these days would really seem strange; just like a business not having an email address would be almost unthinkable... November 30, 2020
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