Blog / Securing Email to Protect Private Information – Understanding the Basics of Email Communication… Choosing the most effective, secure, and stable Email system takes thought, proper execution, and ongoing management. It first helps to understand the basics of Email communication... November 26, 2020
Blog / User Education is Important… It’s Not Safe to Assume Users Know What They’re Doing. There's no certification to prove you understand things like computers or email or safe browsing, yet it's one of the many things that most organizations take for granted... November 23, 2020
Blog / Computer Security Can’t Be That Complicated… Should You Do This Yourself or Pay Someone Else to Do It For You? These days, Cyber Security is sexy. Everyone's talking about it and the overall awareness is growing. IT Security knowledge is an asset for any position, even if it has nothing to do with IT... November 16, 2020
Blog / Factory Default Settings: Always Ensure to Change Them!! Having a default login could allow an attacker to take complete control of the device and have access to all its capabilities, which would have the more than likely potential to cause significant damage. November 09, 2020
Blog / Advice on Data Breaches – Big Mistakes Made by Organizations There is plenty that can be learned by having a Breach, but don't wait. There are some things you can grasp and do before this happens... November 04, 2020
Blog / Networks Will Change and Grow Over Time – Old Solutions May Be Forgotten, but Are They Really Gone? Most outfits have probably seen massive changes to their setups over the past year. Covid-19 forced the 'Work-From-Home' thing on a lot of places VERY quickly. It's not unreasonable to assume that many had to drop projects that were part-way through... October 26, 2020
Blog / Windows Zerologon – Part Two: What Microsoft Recommends to Do and Why Microsoft isn't just telling people to apply the patch. They're asking us to do quite a bit more. if you don't follow Microsoft's advice, I'm afraid you could get a rather unpleasant surprise next year... October 19, 2020
Blog / The Microsoft Zerologon Bug (CVE-2020-1472): How it Works, What it Does, and… oh, by the way, Apply the Update! Microsoft recently issued an update for a severe bug in its operating system (CVE 2020-1472), which can be used to change the password of any account in Active Directory... October 09, 2020
Blog / You Should Upgrade or Remove Old Software – It Could Be a Source of Unrealized Vulnerabilities There's one common thread in every Security Audit. Outdated and/or unpatched software accounts for the vast majority of all the vulnerabilities and issues that I find. October 05, 2020
Blog / Does Being a Hacker Take Special Knowledge and Tools? – Is this a Hack I See Before Me? Its Link Upon My Browser? Come, let Me Download Thee! I've often run into an abundance of misconceptions when it comes to Computer Security. Many of them revolve around what a "Hacker" is and the difficulty of becoming one... September 28, 2020
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