Blog / Monolithic Defense Strategies – Protecting Your Computer Network The Security of your computers is not the sole responsibility of your IT department. It requires input from all levels of your organization to get it right. September 21, 2020
Blog / The Assumption of Cyber Security – Because Only Authorized Folks Should Be There It's easy to take Security too far. It's even easier not to take it far enough. Do not assume the electronics in a location are secure, simply because you've taken some steps to keep people off the premises. September 14, 2020
Blog / “I’ve Seen Things You People Wouldn’t Believe” – Mistakes on Fire; the Same Ones, Again and Again, and Yet Again… As a person with plenty of knowledge into their inner workings and machinations, I can tell you without a pinch of hesitation, that computers are very complicated indeed... September 08, 2020
Blog / File Servers Done Properly – Important Files Need Proper Protection Back in the day when servers were quite expensive and required special skills to manage, file servers were a bit of a rarity. Today, you can find file servers anywhere, even in people’s home networks... August 31, 2020
Blog / Canada Targeted by 66% of Global Phishing Attacks… Oh Canada!! Cyber Fraud is something that every organization should be mindful of. Exactly how you protect yourself against it really depends on the nature of your business and how you interact with your clients. August 24, 2020
Blog / Mobile Phone Security Software – Do You Have Any Anti-Malware Installed on Your Phone? There are all types of Malware that could infect your phone. Some of it is designed to provide advertising revenue. Other is created to steal information from your phone. There is also software targeting banking apps... August 17, 2020
Blog / Ransomware: To Pay, or Not to Pay… That is the Big Question! Security is a moving target and it is tough to guess which new thing is going to turn into a standard tool for cyber criminals. Cyber crooks have now also started to steal your data, additionally to locking you out of it. August 10, 2020
Blog / Proactive or Reactive Security: Red vs Blue Your staff needs to be aware of what is "normal" for them to be able to do with their computers. Then make sure they also know who to report things to if anything "outside the norm" occurs. Many situations that occur, happen because Security settings on computers are lax. If that is the root cause, then the fault lies with the organization. August 04, 2020
Blog / There’s Admin and there’s Admin – Domain Administrators vs Local Administrators This is a tricky topic to try and keep simple, but I will certainly do my best. The easiest way to explain the difference between a Local Admin and a Domain Admin is to summarize the purpose of both types of accounts. July 28, 2020
Blog / Threats Exist in Places Where You Will Least Expect Them … Even Inside Your Own Organization! The more access an employee has, the more their activity needs to be monitored. In terms of computers and networks, this means any and all administrative activity needs to be heavily supervised... July 20, 2020
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