Blog / Who is Calling Please? Aggressive Phone Solicitation Preys on Old Fears Who is Calling Please? Aggressive Phone Solicitation Preys on Old Fears A client called us yesterday to question the security and stability of their network.  The call wasn’t really serious as the long-standing client knows we have their network support and security under good control.  But they did want to report a new twist on […] August 10, 2016
Blog / What Did You Say? Firewall 101 What is a Firewall Anyway? I recently had a client ask me a question: What is a firewall?  I was somewhat taken aback as I had just Emailed them about the virtues of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Blocking service that we were recommending for the Dynamic Filtering Services on their Watchguard firewall … I might […] July 27, 2016
Blog / I Hate Passwords! Lax Password Enforcement is still a Priority Concern We hear the phrase I Hate Passwords in one form or another with monotonous regularity. I think I have muttered it under my breath several times recently. I decided to take inventory. Between personal and business, I added up the number of accounts that require some sort […] July 21, 2016
Blog / Katy, Bar the Door – Literally Physical Security Begins with a Simple Change in Door Locks Katy Bar the Door is a strange phrase with it’s origins in the story of Catherine Douglas from Scottish history of the 15th century. She used her arm to block a door that was left unbolted as the King and court escaped from would-be assassins. She […] July 14, 2016
Blog / Anti-virus Software is prone to attacks by the way it scans files for viruses We recently became aware of a bug in the Symantec EndPoint anti-virus software that makes it prone to virus attacks. The vulnerability is common to just about all versions of Symantec anti-virus products including Norton, EndPoint, Email, and SharePoint AV products. The vulnerability has to do with the way Symantec checks executable (exe) files for […] July 08, 2016
Blog / IMPORTANT: Crypto-Wall IMPORTANT INFORMATION It has come to our attention the number of clients who are being affected by the Crypto-Wall virus (AKA: Crypto-Locker or Ransomware) have all of a sudden jumped.  It is important that the users on your system understand the dangerous nature of this type of virus. Here are a few facts on the […] August 28, 2015
Blog / Informed and Warned! Google Indexing Personal Data Is Google Indexing your Personal Data? April 16th By Kevin White If you use a computer chances are that you also use Google to search for various things on a daily basis.  But what if someone else on the internet could use Google to search for your private information that you had once thought was […] April 16, 2015
Blog / Informed and Warned! Cryptowall Virus   Be aware of this new super virus. It’s called the Cryptowall 3.0 and it is out to do as much damage as possible. Read about it here!   Click here to go back to Business Solutions April 02, 2015

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