Blog / Time to start planning to upgrade to Windows 11 Windows 11 logo on a computer and cell phone screen Windows 10 end of life is approaching. Software may not be able to literally die, but software end-0f-life is a real thing.  That means the organization that originally created it will no longer be improving or patching it. No more updates, no more support, nothing. This applies to operating systems as well most other software […] May 02, 2023
Blog / How many email addresses should you have? email addresses Let’s talk about your personal security behavior for a minute. Most of my newsletters are aimed at organizations in some capacity. Many of them involve creating official policies or procedures to ensure that employees have a solid set of rules to follow. This time I wanted to talk about personal habits surrounding email and security. […] April 25, 2023
Blog / Email: Inhouse or Cloud Based? Email server Inhouse and Cloud email can’t both be right, right? Cloud services have long been touted as the future of computing. You don’t need to spend money on hardware, which is nice, but you do need to pay a monthly subscription. One of the other claims is that the security is improved. This can be true, […] April 18, 2023
Blog / Time to Catch Up on Exchange Patches Microsoft Exchange Patches for Servers Microsoft has announced they’re going to start enforcing policies about Exchange patches. It seems like Microsoft Exchange has been the focus of hacker attackers for a long time now, though considering how common it is and that focusing on common software maximizes hackers’ potential for “positive” results, it’s not exactly surprising. It’s the same reason […] April 04, 2023
Blog / The Importance Of Your Ransomware Response ransomware response Getting it wrong could mean costly penalties. Ransomware is a topic that I’ve covered in the recent past, so much so that you’ve read or at least seen a few of them like this one, or this one, or maybe even this one (just to point out a few). It comes up so often it […] March 21, 2023
Blog / AI and ChatGPT are Amazing. ChatGPT on a computer screen But are they a security risk? A long time ago, before the before times,  I earned my degree in computer programming with a major in Artificial Intelligence. AI is has been a topic of previous TRINUS newsletters and the current technology buzzword these days, specifically ChatGPT, which uses an AI-modeled text system to interface with […] March 14, 2023
Blog / Phishing versus Ransomware Phishing attacks button with fishing hook on red-lit keyboard Why phishing may overtake ransomware as attackers’ tactic of choice. Over the last couple of years ransomware has been king of the malware hill and the attack that has increased the most in frequency, and considering the potential revenue it can generate, it’s not hard to understand why. But of course, businesses haven’t been particularly […] March 07, 2023
Blog / What common cyberattacks do companies routinely ignore? a man in a mask using a prop to demonstrate common cyberattacks like phishing Phishing attacks are common cyberattacks and not to be underestimated. Email has been around for a long, long time. Its origins date back over 60 years to the 1960s. Email, in the form we are familiar with today was developed in 1980. Younger readers of this newsletters may not remember a time when email was […] February 28, 2023
Blog / How will your organization react to a cybersecurity incident? Incident Response Plan in green highlighted on a keyboard Unfortunately, tossing blame around is all too common. An important part of good cybersecurity is preparedness. That means thinking ahead and having business continuity and disaster recovery plans for when things go wrong. When a situation is critical it’s easy to lose track and miss important details, so having robust plans will relieve some of […] February 21, 2023
Blog / Do you have to keep changing cybersecurity best practices? It’s really annoying! When it comes to all things computers there’s one rule to keep in mind: Things change quickly. What things? All of them. Could I possibly be more specific?  Not really, because everything keeps changing. It may sound like I’m being silly, but remember Windows 7? It wasn’t too long ago that many […] February 14, 2023

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